Heard any good stories lately? We have.

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Today’s consumers want to be associated with brands that do more than provide products or services. They’re looking for brands they can trust and believe in. One of the most powerful ways to engender that trust is through video storytelling. A simple, yet persuasive story can put a human face on your organization, communicate your mission and win the hearts and minds of your audience. 

Key is telling stories that matter – stories that inspire, create understanding and bring ideas and people together. It’s no wonder then that telling your brand’s story through the eyes of the consumer is a highly effective way to connect with your audience and win their loyalty. People pay attention when real people who sound like them say things that resonate with their experience.

We told the story of the Carter BloodCare brand via quick, 15-second stories using actual donors who talk about the various reasons they give blood. The real power of these spots lies in the genuineness and authenticity of people who are real-life advocates for the cause.

Once we discover the remarkable in people’s lives and in the stories they have to tell, we’re able to create the kind of emotional experience that produces a lasting sense of trust in your brand. 

And that’s our story. 

25 Ways to Make Your Healthcare Organization Healthier

Are you leveraging video content to its full potential? Your answer may well determine the trajectory of your organization’s health and success.

With the national healthcare focus on cost and quality objectives, keeping healthcare consumers engaged is EVERYTHING. Which means you should be looking at every point along your medical delivery continuum as an opportunity to inform, connect and engage. This holds true whether you’re a large healthcare center, a service line or a doctor’s office.

Research shows that one of the best ways to engage your audience is through video content. Video enables individuals to take in information faster, retain it more easily and respond to it more readily.

And remember, once you produce a video, you can use it across multiple platforms: Website, email, blogs, banner ads, TV, Facebook, Twitter etc. Not to mention multiple locations such as waiting areas, in-room TV, meetings, conferences and galas. Talk about a smart investment!

 25 super smart ways to utilize video  

  • Educational videos
  • Introduction to new facilities, technologies and services
  • Patient testimonials
  • Social media health tips and information
  • Awareness initiatives
  • Virtual tour of your facility or office
  • Reinforcement for your brand
  • Staff/employee training or safety guidelines
  • New employee orientation
  • Email, newsletters, video sharing sites
  • Patient recovery morale boosters
  • Physician/staff recruitment
  • Website SEO enhancement videos
  • Video storytelling
  • Visitors’ guide
  • Welcome/orientation
  • Physician bios
  • TV/broadcast
  • Meet the doctors/medical staff
  • Inspiration for events, galas, fundraisers
  • Capturing a live event
  • Pre-and post-op care instruction
  • Special event promotion
  • Physician presentations
  • In-room patient videos

Why Content is an Asset... Not an Expense.

Is your marketing budget lumped in with expenses on your organization’s P&L? Chances are, the answer is yes.

But the truth is, marketing is an investment in the success of your brand – which makes content an asset, not an expense. After all, content tells the story of your brand and guarantees your brand’s message is out there. Content is the very catalyst you need to engage you’re your audience, spur growth and drive new opportunities.

Think about it. We invest in technology, equipment and people to grow our organization without hesitation.  It only makes sense to do the same with content.

OK, so while this perspective may not be immediately embraced by your CFO, you CAN help the stakeholders in your organization understand that content is not that “soft, fluffy thing” that they can take or leave. You can start by always using the word “asset” in your conversations, meetings and budget discussion when referring to content. This will not only help elevate the importance of content in their minds –it will help keep you active in marketing your content assets as well.

Patient Engagement. Let's Get Real.

With the national healthcare focus on cost and quality objectives, we hear more and more about the need for patient engagement. In fact, it seems ‘patient engagement’ is the big marketing catch phrase of the day.

But engaging patients and prospects is not a marketing hat trick. Today’s healthcare consumers want authenticity. They demand transparency.  And they know when they’re not hearing the whole truth.

So how DO you engage today’s healthcare consumer?

By building trust.

By looking at all healthcare interactions as opportunities to connect, educate and comfort. By promoting new levels of personalization through the alignment of services and transactions. By keeping your content informative, relevant and real. And by providing customized and targeted information to consumers when they need it and will appreciate it most.

So here’s a radical notion: Before we ask ourselves ‘how can we effectively advertise?’, let’s ask ourselves ‘how can we genuinely help?