Why Content is an Asset... Not an Expense.

Is your marketing budget lumped in with expenses on your organization’s P&L? Chances are, the answer is yes.

But the truth is, marketing is an investment in the success of your brand – which makes content an asset, not an expense. After all, content tells the story of your brand and guarantees your brand’s message is out there. Content is the very catalyst you need to engage you’re your audience, spur growth and drive new opportunities.

Think about it. We invest in technology, equipment and people to grow our organization without hesitation.  It only makes sense to do the same with content.

OK, so while this perspective may not be immediately embraced by your CFO, you CAN help the stakeholders in your organization understand that content is not that “soft, fluffy thing” that they can take or leave. You can start by always using the word “asset” in your conversations, meetings and budget discussion when referring to content. This will not only help elevate the importance of content in their minds –it will help keep you active in marketing your content assets as well.