Explainer videos work. A brief explanation why.

An explainer video is a short, informative video that explains a company, product, service or concept in an easy-to-understand way. Explainers are ideal for brands that want to position themselves as an authority, teacher or trusted advisor.

While video is a compelling format on its own (our brains process videos 60,000 times faster than text), explainer videos are especially effective for delivering information. By presenting both visual and audio content accompanied by verbal narration, information is easier to absorb and retain.

For startup companies, explainers can position the brand. For established brands, explainers give viewers an easy opportunity to connect and take action.

A couple years ago, United Regional Health Care asked us to create a series of 12 videos (one for each month of the year) using their own medical specialists to deliver health awareness messages – everything from stroke prevention to breast health – reminding viewers that United Regional is a trusted source of information and care.

Check them out under “Partners in Your Good Health” Campaign (mid page}. You’ll see how we alternated live-action physicians with voice over and 2-D motion graphics. This served to keep the spots “human” while delivering important facts. Music helped move the spots along and the trademark United Regional theme music provided brand consistency.

I might add, these spots were part of a multi-media campaign that won a Gold Stevie from the American Business Awards – an award that honors marketing results.

Yep. Explainer videos work. And now you know why.