Video Storytelling

Video storytelling is a powerful way to build your brand. Illustrate your mission. Engage stakeholders. Inspire donations. And make all your events a resounding success. Stories evoke emotions beyond what we experience in daily life and connect with viewers on a deep and genuine level. What’s more, when you create a video, you can use it across all media channels from broadcast and web to a wide range of social media platforms thus multiplying your reach in a highly cost effective way. All creative efforts were lead by our agency principals either while at Leap Creative Group or at a previous agency.


Broadcast Television

Carter BloodCare “Reasons”

In each of these 15-second spots, real donors tell charming little "mini-stories" about how and why they donate blood and why it's such an important thing to do. The real power of these spots is derived from the genuine, authentic delivery of donors who are real-life advocates of the cause. Striking graphics and original-score music add to the charm and bring unity and originality to the campaign. Spots were used on the web and in rich, online media.  See more at Carter BloodCare.



United Regional “Life's Work”

In this series of spots, we hear the story of United Regional as told by the organization's leadership including the CEO, the Chief Medical Officer and the Director of Nursing, each of whom talks about United Regional from their own unique perspective. As you watch the spots you'll see that these aren't just talking heads. These unscripted interviews come straight from the heart and help explain why United Regional was designated as a Top 100 hospital. 



Web and Social Media Video

To the left you'll see three very different ways we added cost-effective value through website and social media storytelling.

Example #1: Who doesn't want to see hilarious blooper footage? We created this video specifically for the Carter BloodCare website using footage from a very lively TV shoot.  We then drove our audience to it via our TV and radio campaign. Of course, once on the website, folks were encouraged to sign up for our cause. 

In video #2, you'll see an example of a series of long-form patient stories that appeared on the United Regional website as an in-depth, extension of their broadcast spots.

Our 3rd example may require hankies. It's one of four spots created specifically for social media that went viral. 

Special Event Video

ManeGait Donor Gala

ManeGait is a therapeutic horseback-riding center that primarily serves kids with emotional and/or physical disabilities.

Much of their funding comes from an annual fall gala at which the annual video inspires a large audience of prospective donors to open hearts… and wallets.

United Regional Patient Stories

As you can imagine, the Emergency Department in a hospital that serves five counties has some dramatic stories to tell. The spots were used primarily for annual events held for key hospital supporters and donors but were used for recruitment as well as on the website.