ManeGait Equine Therapy

In 2008 this non-profit therapeutic horseback-riding center consisted of a parcel of land, five horses, a handful of volunteers and a dozen students. Today, ManeGait has more than 30 horses, 2000 volunteers and 600 students with a waiting list of hundreds. Our agency principal and creative director has been a creative force in the ManeGait success story since the beginning; witnessing firsthand the giant strides it has made and the many lives it has transformed.

Build Brand and Identity

Branding started from the ground up with a logo that captures the spirit of ManeGait and a tagline with a strong call to action.

Coordinate Website and Content

The website set the tone for this brand which is both humorous and heartwarming. Grabber headlines and beautiful graphics made people stop and take notice.  

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Engage Donors with Print and Email

Why be boring when you can have a little fun? This attention getter was directed to organizations (in this case the 4H) asking them to donate sweet-tempered horses to our cause. The same basic concept was used for ads, flyers and emails. 

Reinforce Miracles

Have your hankies ready and get ready to meet Grant, Katherine and Sophie. Created with almost no budget and a dedicated team, these three 60-second vignettes give a behind-the-scenes look at how ManeGait brightens the lives of the kids they serve.



Opening hearts…and wallets

The big crowd-pleaser at MainGait’s annual fall fundraising galas is its touching, year-in-review video designed to celebrate the year’s achievements, honor volunteers, and inspire donations.